Nice People
What does "delicaсу" mean?
Life goes on, empires die, spaces fold like a shagreen skin, the ideals seemed to be immutable before, bring a grin on faces today.
One can easily call the performance "Nice people or What does "delicay" mean?" to be the innovation for Ukraine. The dance step towards understanding of the human soul, an amazing combination of illusion and reality
Vecherniy Donetsk
«We didn't think too much about the result of our work, i.e. the spectacle as our final goal. The PROCESS of joint corporal laboratory research was much more valuable to us.
There were tears, doubt, disappointment, search of mutual understanding, overcoming elation, delight of listening to your own body...
The dramaturgy of the process in the final resort defined the dramaturgy of the product.
We were working with the body expressionism, were learning how not to demonstrate, but rather express a thought by motion, be attentive and perceived. This was a serious work - creating, exciting and full»

From Marina Lymar's interview to Odessa Daily

Having stepped on the path, we already can't stop, raise a head and look up in the sky, as we did in childhood. We lose sincerity and openness. We're getting used to lie.

Our performance is about overcoming an animal inside ourselves, about the fear leading to rejection, about a permanent, hard and painstaking process of being aware of the presence of the other one next to you who is different, radically dissimilar, but who just like you has the right to have his own viewpoint, vision, saying ... About the talent of seeking a compromise, the ability / inability to display tolerance toward a manifested intolerance.

Conceived and directed by Marina Lymar
Music: Rene Aubry, Clint Mansell, Jan A.P. Kaczmarek
Performers: Anna Volkomor, Anastasia Kuzmichova, Natalia Borozentseva, Iryna Kifa, Yuliya Mirovs'ka, Veronika Merkulova, Yullya Tvorilova, Yuliya Palamar, Alexandra Litvin.
Costume design by DOMANOFF

What do we mean when we say 'delicacy'?
What's the nature of the quality so rarely met in today's world?
To stay alone, or make a way to someone else's 'ego'?
Where do the limits of the self extend and where do the social bodies of group and community begin?
How do we understand and position ourselves as individuals?
How do we exist, identify and interact?

The creative Lab investigating via body plasticity how people communicate in society, was conducted by Marina Lymar in Odessa in July, 2010. The participants, a group of young ukrainian professional dancers who developed their serious interest in the feild of the physical theatre and performance, met Marina Lymar a year ago during her creative residancy organized in Odessa by Katerina Adiseva.
Within 2010, three more of movement research projects were successfully organized in Odessa and Kiev, their aim having been working at basic skills of the dance techniques,embodiment practice, as well as an introduction into the new and so far very little researched by the most trainees sphere which is a movement improvisation.
A joint creative search gave life to a new professional community of UviMkneni Performing Arts Association.

Words are, undoubtedly, a great power. Still, what can't be expressed with words, can always be 'said' with a glance, music and dance. It is such a 'dancing revelation' which the Ukrainian dance theatre
'Uvi Mkneni' showed within the framework of the High Fest.
«Nice people or What does «delicacy» mean? Is a beautiful, figurative and deep dance performance.
There were neither bright costumes, nor sets. Just young girls dancing barefeet, ligh and music, and at times even it was not to be found. «Dumb», soundless dance made hold breath, while the performance finale was so shrill that the chance to forget the images created by a talented troupe equaled zero.
Novoye Vremja, Yerevan
It wasn't yesterday when I started musing about delicacy. We all run somewhere, do something, hurry-scurry, but all that often happens mechanically!
We are devoid of the possibility to feel and enjoy the moment. On the surface we are all nice and sweet people. But what's inside us?
To me contemporary art is a provocation, the awakening of consciousness. Such state gives no answers, but it invariably plunges the spectator into reflexion.
He finds the answers in his own life. I think that contemporary art is the strongest impulse for self-knowledge.
Daria Slobodyanik, Odessa Showbill
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